Don’t Wait for Opportunities … Get Up! Make the Best For Self
Providing the platform to students to exhibit their creative talent and nurturing them as the leaders of future, World Skill India – National Selection Competition kick started on March 7, 2013 at Balewadi Stadium with welcome address by well known dignitaries likeMr. R Joshi (MD FESTO Control), Mr. Pradip Bhargava (MD Cummins Generator Technologies Ltd.),Mr. Dilip Chenoy(MD & CEO NSDC), Mr. Mukesh Sharma (ADG Doordarshan), and Dr. Vishwanath Karad (Executive Director and Founder MIT Group Institution of Institutions)echoing,“India has lot of talent and potential, the creative talent is everywhere in every field, and there can be no other platform to exhibit it more beautifully than World Skill India, then winner representing India at World Skill International – Lipzeg, Germany during July 2013.
The event was jointly held along with Robocon Competition and Robocon Junior Competition. Various skills from WorldSkills competition were held under one roof for the very first time. The categories included Fashion Technology, Hair & Make up, Beauty and therapy, Mobile Robotics, Graphic Design,Web designing and Restaurant services by hotel management students to name a few.The competition is organized for 3 days, slotted minimum 16 hrs total, the long and strenuous hours with a long list of tasks was a huge challenge in itself for participants but the creative geniuses had a smile on their face and not letting anything affect them when it came to tasks in hand.
The 3 National Winners – Competing for Final Selection
The grand event witnessed a lot of industry experts from various fields, best and tough competitors from all over India, nail biting competition and lots of hopes for the future.
Reliance AIMS Team with the contestants’.
The competition for this category started after the official inauguration at 12pm on March 7, 2013 with three tasks given to the three selected contenders in a stipulated time of 6 hrs for each task under the guidance of Mr. Venugopal, Jury President – Graphic Designing, World Skills International, Mr. Sathish Narayanan, Academic Director, Reliance Aims, Mr. Ajoy Das, Technical Expert and other members of the team. The tasks were to design a package, sticker, manual for the first day, poster and dangler for the second day and third day for brochure for the medicine ‘Uprise D3 Syrup- Vitamin- D’ for kids. The medicine bottle and dropper was provided to the contestants to measure and design the package.
Contestant’s work is displayed for the visitors.
The first day was filled with mixed emotions of nervousness,enthusiasm, and excitement. No doubt, it was a huge platform to perform the tasks inthe presence of various dignitaries, a huge applauding crowd in the background and anational media coverage, which is a matter of privilege and honour, but it required a lot ofconcentration for the participants to be glued to the screen and being inattentive to thenoises in the background. What was commendable was that our creative geniuses hada smile on their face throughout and their passion for the tasks given was seen on allthe three days, with nothing affecting them but the focus was to complete the taskputting forth their creativity on the national platform.
The competition ended with a contented and satisfiedlook on participant’s faces who after displaying their tasks echoed, “We need our boostfor better health…Vitamin D- Our Energy Supplement.”
The last day, March 9, 2013, witnessed the final match of Robocon Competition along with the felicitation of every participant of various skills sets of WorldSkills Competition.In the graphic design category, B.Arun Raj “Winner”was felicitated who will represent the country at Leipzig, Germany. Coming from a humble background and learning the key skills from his part time jobs, he is truly an inspiration for the young budding artists.
Prize distribution & Winner Arun Raj Balasubramani.
The three days saw a few tears,lots of learning, moments of pride and long cherished memory now kept safely in the cornerof the heart treasured forever.
Simple Steps To Enroll For Course
Our academic counselor will give you an insight of our unique teaching methodologies, practical-oriented course structure and the various advantages of studying with Design Media & Edutainment School.
Students are required to sit for a creative quotient test which has both practical and objective questions. This test is meant to check the creative thinking of a candidate and also serves as a basis for their scholarship from the institution.
Once a candidate has completed the previous stages, they are eligible to get enrolled into the course of their choice. Students must submit their application forms and demand drafts to the institution to complete the enrollment procedure.